Terms & Conditions

All terms and conditions below are made with the bestinterests of The Client and Belle Street in mind. If youhave a query or need clarification of any points thenplease feel free to contact us.

Bookings are confirmed upon verbal, electronic orwritten acceptance of this booking by both the Clientand Belle Street. Once the booking is confirmed theClient and Belle Street shall be bound by these Termsand Conditions.

The Booking Deposit is a non refundable pre-paymentfee which is payable by the Client to Belle Street onconfirmation of the booking. The Booking Deposit ispayable to Belle Street at the point of booking bydebit/credit card or on invoice within 7 days. If theClient fails to pay the Booking Deposit within thestated period (7 days) Belle Street have the option oftreating the failure as a cancellation by the Client.

Cancellation by the Client All cancellations must be made in writing to BelleStreet and will be subject to the following terms; If the Contract is cancelled by the Client within 21 days of the Event Date 50% of the final fee will bedue. If the contract is cancelled by the client within 48hours of the Event Date 100% of the final fee will bedue. Any applicable cancellation fees shall be payable bythe Client to Belle Street within 7 days of cancellationnotice.
Cancellation by the Belle Street In the very unlikely event of cancellation Belle Streetwill be liable to pay to the Client a fee equal to theBooking Fee paid by the Client to confirm the bookingand this must be paid within 7 days.

Unless otherwise agreed, the balance payment ispayable by the Client to Belle Street within 48 hours ofthe Event Date by bank transfer. Any otherarrangements for the payment of the Balance must beagreed between Belle Street and the Client and mustbe stated on this contract.

Any overdue invoices relating to this Contract(remaining unpaid beyond the stated payment period)may be subject to a £25 late payment charge.

CHANGE OF EVENT SCHEDULE If the Artist is unable to perform their full performancetime within the time schedule outlined in the Contractdue to changes or over-running of the event schedulewhich are beyond their control, then there will be noreduction in Belle Street’s fee.

Belle Street accept full responsibility for maintainingtheir own public liability insurance (minimum of £1million) and equipment safety documentation includingP.A.T. testing certificates for all electrical equipmentused at the event.

Belle Street will provide a highly professional level ofperformance and shall behave in a professionalmanner at all times during their time in attendance at the event.

If the Belle Street are subjected to aggressive orabusive behaviour the Client must immediately havethe perpetrators of such behaviour removed from thepremises where the event is taking place. If the Clientfails to do so, Belle Street may terminate theirperformance immediately with no penalty and in sucha situation the event will be treated as cancelled bythe Client

LICENCES The Client shall ensure that all necessary licensesand permissions for the event are in place.

In cases of Force Majeure (which shall be known aswar, fire, death, serious illness, epidemic, strike,labour dispute, accident, civil commotion, nationalcalamity, act of God) which are not attributable to anyact or failure to take preventative action by the Clientor Belle Street, then the Client or Belle Street maycancel this booking without penalty other than loss ofthe Booking Deposit.